The Kulakan Kopi Galeri logo is inspired by 3 components, namely natural mountains, coffee plants, and wood. This is in line with the interior concept of the cafe which uses wood furniture and decorations produced by Kulakan (a manufacturer and distributor of wooden furniture in Bandung).

The Kulakan Kopi Galeri brand values that we propose are:
Arranging the clear space proportionally, giving more space to the layout, using photos that show Kopi Kulakan Galeri's high-quality products and services, and nature photography will achieve the natural concept.
We combined warm and calm colors, such as green and cream, to represent the coziness of Kopi Kulakan Galeri. The color tone of the visual component will be adjusted to present a warm and calm atmosphere.
The logogram itself depicts the core values of Kopi Kulakan Galeri which are hills, coffee, and wood. Implicitly, the logogram told us that Kopi Kulakan Galeri was inspired by nature and related to people's daily lifestyles.