Turning Challenges Into Opportunities.

After working together previous year, PT Daya Adicipta Mustika trusted us to design their annual report for 2021. This year, PT Daya Adicipta Mustika raised the theme "Turning Challenges Into Opportunities". We developed the design concept for the cover of this annual report based on that theme, where each component of the company works hand in hand to rearrange the various challenges faced by each, to become an opportunity to grow together in the pandemic era.
Gregorios Yogas Sundara
Gregorios Yogas Sundara
Muhammad Rizky Farhan
Dian Putrawangsa

In the design process, we also put forward the values promoted by PT Daya Adicipta Mustika. So that we get a formal but also modern concept in accordance with the times.


Here's what they said about working with us:

So far enjoy yaa kerjasama bareng Ikkou. Koordinasinya enak, responnya juga cepat. Sabar dan bisa memenuhi keinginan juga plus designnya juga oke, gak monoton. Tastenya juga bagus, sesuai sama yang diinginkan perusahaan. Sukses terus Ikkou! - Bu Cindy - MDEV, PT. Daya Adicipta Mustika